
Spring time:  It is always nice to get a jump start on watering early in the season, but we recommend only watering 1-2 times a week at most, especially if we have a rainy spring.  We like to use the seasonal adjustment/percentage button to set up spring time watering, so that way all you have to do is increase it when it comes to summer watering times.

Summer:  During the summer, we try to promote watering every other day, which usually turns out to watering only 3-4x a week.  This allows the grass roots to search for water which in turn promotes strong root growth and able to withstand the heat during our hottest months (plus saving some $$ on your water bill).  We advise to water 20-35 minutes for your spray zones and 45-55 minutes for rotor zones.

*Note that in combination with these watering times, grass that is around 3” or higher helps shade the roots to prevent them from burning as well as having your lawn on a routine fertilizing schedule is all in conjunction of having a healthy and healthy lawn.

Fall:  As temperatures die down, we recommend going back to your similar watering times as in the spring but with an additional day.  Your lawn is slowly starting to prepare for winter and wants to go dormant.  Overwatering may intrude on this process and prevent your lawn from having a healthy start in the spring.

Watering every other day:  If you have not done this with your lawn before, it may take some time for it to adjust, as it has been use to its previous watering routine in the past.  Give it some time and it will adjust accordingly to the new schedule.